Saturday, October 12, 2019


When Steel Magnolias first came out, my mother encouraged (read: forced) my sister and I to go see it. We didn’t know anything about the movie and went in blind.

Afterwards, my sister and I both agreed that if we’d known what it was about, we would’ve passed. We get enough angst in our lives without watching it play out on the big screen. However, it’s one of the best movies I’ve ever seen and I’ll never forget it. Laughing one minute, crying the next. Switching back and forth between tears of joy and tears of sadness. Boy, I aspire to write like that!
The first book I laughed out loud at was Janet Evanovich’s One For The Money. Janet created a great scenario. Her protagonist is Stephanie Plum, an out of work Jersey gal who takes a job as a bounty hunter for her cousin, Vinnie. Stephanie knows absolutely nothing about the job and her encounters with crooks are hilarious. And anybody who’s read the book can’t forget the dinner scene with Grandma Mazur and the chicken! (My mother recommended this book to me and again she was spot on. Does my mother know me or what?)
There are many funny books out there. Not always laugh out loud funny, but certainly enjoyable. The cozy subgenre has numerous series that make me smile. I read for enjoyment and escapism, so I adore mysteries with a sense of humor. When I write, I try to paint a funny character or situation and hope the humor shines through. You know the expression—if it bleeds, it leads. Well, I like to think—if it’s witty, you’re sitting pretty.

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